Guillermo Detlefsen

I have been coordinating the master's degree in agroforestry and sustainable agriculture at CATIE for eight years, where I am also a professor-researcher. At the same time, I have formulated and executed various CATIE projects within the framework of sustainable agroforestry, agriculture and forest management at the regional level for the past 23 years. A year and a half ago, I started working with the consortium of the Regenerative Food Business Project (NAR) coordinated by Avina and where CATIE is part of the executing entities, all with IDRC financing. In this new theme we are developing and at the same time learning about the business approach to food production, where the conservation, restoration and strengthening of ecosystems are central axes.

NARs are, from my point of view, the application in business terms of the holistic approach of regenerative agriculture that restores the health of soils, biodiversity, water and animal welfare, among others, promoting prosperity and resilience.