

32 Volcanes

, -91.518228271164
Actor de apoyo:
32 Volcanes
Actor type:
Actor's country of location:
It directly promotes the “regenerative” approach (using the term):
Actor's website:
Source where the actor was identified:
Functions performed by the actor:
Technical assistance, Social development
Type of business it supports:
Agricultural, Trade, Management of non-timber forest products
Supporting actor:
How do you develop the support function for NARs?
It is a non-profit Guatemalan association that seeks food sovereignty and community autonomy through cultural demands for the regeneration and dignity of life. It has several community programs to support the economy under an ideology of regenerative development, it has urban garden and orchard projects to achieve food sovereignty using agroecological methodologies and the ancestral knowledge of the region.

The information presented in the map comes from a review of publicly available secondary sources, mainly from business communication media (websites, social networks). The Consortium is not responsible for the information and veracity of the practices and impacts publicly reported by businesses and support actors in these media.

It is important to consider that businesses at different levels of development and transition are presented here. On the one hand, there are businesses that do not use the term “regenerative”, but that are very close to our understanding of RFB. On the other hand, there are cases that call themselves "regenerative” but, in practice, they don't necessarily align as much to the definition proposed by the Consortium. Even so, it seemed essential to include them in the map, in order to have a general overview of the different types of businesses that in some way approach or appropriate the use of this term.

The actors presented on the map are those who, as part of their activities, are supporting (or supported) regenerative food businesses and their ecosystem, directly or indirectly. Likewise, these actors were identified through a review of publicly available secondary sources (websites, social networks, news, etc.).